• CrossKarts101 is a premier information hub and community for all things crosskarts related. We bring together everyone interested in crosskarts or offroading, from enthusiasts, to fabricators, drivers or beginners. Our goal is to make getting into crosskarts accessible to everyone, with easy to access resources on everything from building your own crosskart, to connecting with teams and drivers. Feel free to browse our site to find what's more interesting for you!

Welcome to CrossKarts101.com!


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Hello and welcome to the new community dedicated to the cross kart racing industry! We invite you to look around and test drive our new site, along with posting anything interesting for the community to enjoy. We want to see and meet all the people from around the world that are participating in bringing this adrenaline pumping racing to the main stream. Our site is just beginning, so many changes will be happening along with growth of new and major companies already in the sport. As a entrepreneur myself, we are encouraging anyone and everyone to see what a great opportunity time it is with this type of vehicle racing being at ground level and grabbing traction as the fastest desired race car vehicle that is an all season thrill with a cost and maintenance that is affordable for everyone.
We hope you enjoy our site and your help spreading the word is greatly appreciated. If you would like to inform us of any useful information or inform us of any problems or concerns, please contact the administrator. Thank you and enjoy the site!
Hi, I am some what new to crosskarts and seen a post on the web. It looks like this is still in the very early stages of becoming one heck of a site! I have been fishing around and even posted the first post to help get started as the ticker on the top of the home page was asking for help. I will help spread the word to get this site growing as it is the only site that appears to be all crosskart buggies. I will keep coming back and hopefully make a decision on if I should build my own or possibly just purchase one. One more thing, what is the opportunities link going to be?
Thank you Mike. As an introduction, I'm in the Sacramento area and have been fortunate to get to drive a couple different CrossKarts and see two different manufacturing facilities. I also am very close to the Marysville facility.

As for myself, I've been involved with American rallycross for almost 20 years and an organizer of rallycrosses for 16 years. Seeing the grassroots beginnings of crosskarts is very cool and look forward to its future.
Gonna necro this thread real quick and introduce myself.

I'm a field mechanic from SW NM. I decided to build a crosskart out of my old 2001 R1, since I can't really ride anymore... I've bought blueprints from KJ Raycing and am in the process of gathering parts and materials.

Really hope this sport takes off.
Hello and welcome! It's great to hear about your build. The cars are definitely starting to take off, we are located in Southern Colorado and are starting to see the ears perk up as Crosskarts101 is really make a push to introduce the new cars coming out and the tracks needed to support this new form of racing. Great to see your support and feel free to post your build pictures in the gallery and feel free to ask any questions that we can see if we can help you with!
Thank you Mike. As an introduction, I'm in the Sacramento area and have been fortunate to get to drive a couple different CrossKarts and see two different manufacturing facilities. I also am very close to the Marysville facility.

As for myself, I've been involved with American rallycross for almost 20 years and an organizer of rallycrosses for 16 years. Seeing the grassroots beginnings of crosskarts is very cool and look forward to its future.
Hey Brent, we can use your help when you have some time! Reach out to us!