Help CrossKarts101
We are committed to bringing together beginners to pros alike and form a thriving place to share, learn and form connections in the industry.
All help is appreciated!
Welcome to the newest and largest site dedicated towards crosskarts and all the styles of racing from weekend track days, to rally and hillclimbs that these unique vehicles can participate in, along with all resources to get you involved in the newest and fastest growing all season vehicles.
Have a look around as our site is curretly under phase 1 of development and see the potential on how this site will help educate and benifit everyone with the ability to shop new and used components along with unique opportunities to get sponsored if you currently own a crosskart or other vehicle involved in racing, and planning on attending events. Please visit our opportunities page for more info. Register and log in to start posting or commenting in the forums to help get this site off the ground! And don't hesitate to reach out to our admin with any questions or issues you might be seeing as you visit. Thanks and enjoy the site!