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What are the best tires for dirt racing??

I know these are born to slide but how do you find the balance between grip and slide?
Hi, yes these things do drift with the solid axle designs as it's natural, but really if you can put power to the ground, that is the trick. So with that said, there are a number of options for the solution to do that, and that is what makes racing fun. You have to learn what works and what doesn't and usually it's going to be different for everyone as suspension set ups make a huge difference in traction. For tires, there are multiple types of tread patterns coming out all the time along with multiple hardness of the rubbers to choose from not to mention the types of dirt and conditions of the tracks or surface. For tire rubber, soft is very grippy, but wear fast, and hard usually last longer, but less grip. I know that doesn't answer exactly what you are asking, but it should get you started to ask more questions to drill down to your answer.