• CrossKarts101 is a premier information hub and community for all things crosskarts related. We bring together everyone interested in crosskarts or offroading, from enthusiasts, to fabricators, drivers or beginners. Our goal is to make getting into crosskarts accessible to everyone, with easy to access resources on everything from building your own crosskart, to connecting with teams and drivers. Feel free to browse our site to find what's more interesting for you!

Search results

  1. Mike

    Kids Having fun in a RTX-0

  2. Mike

    Just learned about the local to me Colorado track, and I want in!

    Getting closer my friend, getting a lot closer. Getting ready for the 3rd model while working on a few other wild things coming up!
  3. Mike

    A quick look at the FX750 and FX10R Chassis kits

    Here is a cool picture of the FX750 chassis's lined up and compared to the RTX-0 car on the left.
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    The RiskTaker RTX-0 at a local rally club in Colorado in 2023.
  5. Mike

    Just learned about the local to me Colorado track, and I want in!

    Hello and thanks for your comments! I love the feed back and honest opinions. Yes this is newer and challenging thing I have going. There are a few of us really trying to get things off the ground and it's taking a lot. It does look very promising and the feed back from the drivers who have had...
  6. Mike

    Colorado Cross Kart Chaos Race Event In Colorado!

    Visit www.ColoradoCrossKartChaos.com for all the info on the event! We hope to see everyone out there!
  7. Mike

    Colorado Cross Kart Chaos Rally Event and Sled Pull

    Check the Event Calandar for July 29th! 1st National Invite for everyone who has a crosskart or racing buggie along with anyone who has sled pulling UTV or ATV. There will also be the World Of Redneck "Pissed In Cup" Rally race as seen on youtube along with drivers from across the country...
  8. Mike

    Welcome to CrossKarts101.com!

    Hey Brent, we can use your help when you have some time! Reach out to us!
  9. Mike

    What are the best tires for dirt racing??

    Hi, yes these things do drift with the solid axle designs as it's natural, but really if you can put power to the ground, that is the trick. So with that said, there are a number of options for the solution to do that, and that is what makes racing fun. You have to learn what works and what...
  10. Mike

    Steering linkage

    What ever you feel works best for you. the main difference is weight and of course strength. Depending the type of driver you are, like a basher or a clean serious driver might make the difference. Basher should use steel and the serious driver already knows about and wants the lightest...
  11. Mike

    Welcome to CrossKarts101.com!

    Hello and welcome! It's great to hear about your build. The cars are definitely starting to take off, we are located in Southern Colorado and are starting to see the ears perk up as Crosskarts101 is really make a push to introduce the new cars coming out and the tracks needed to support this...
  12. Mike

    Building vs Buying a Crosskart: Which Should You Do?

    Crosskarting is an exhilarating and popular form of motorsport that involves driving lightweight, off-road vehicles on a track or through challenging terrain. Whether you are a seasoned racer or a novice, you may be wondering whether it's better to build your own crosskart from scratch or buy...
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