• CrossKarts101 is a premier information hub and community for all things crosskarts related. We bring together everyone interested in crosskarts or offroading, from enthusiasts, to fabricators, drivers or beginners. Our goal is to make getting into crosskarts accessible to everyone, with easy to access resources on everything from building your own crosskart, to connecting with teams and drivers. Feel free to browse our site to find what's more interesting for you!

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  1. nickmason85

    Look at these buddies fly lol

    Can't wait to finish my build so I can go half this fast LOL
  2. nickmason85

    help for first build from Subaru.. parts shipping??

    Hello I have a few questions, Been noticing there's some parts that are very hard to get as no one ships these things local. Trying to acquire as many parts from existing Subaru, including hubs and differential. But it costs a ton to get things shipped in especially from over the border. Are...