• CrossKarts101 is a premier information hub and community for all things crosskarts related. We bring together everyone interested in crosskarts or offroading, from enthusiasts, to fabricators, drivers or beginners. Our goal is to make getting into crosskarts accessible to everyone, with easy to access resources on everything from building your own crosskart, to connecting with teams and drivers. Feel free to browse our site to find what's more interesting for you!

Search results

  1. Mike

    Kids Having fun in a RTX-0

  2. Mike

    A quick look at the FX750 and FX10R Chassis kits

    Here is a cool picture of the FX750 chassis's lined up and compared to the RTX-0 car on the left.
  3. Mike

    Colorado Cross Kart Chaos Race Event In Colorado!

    Visit www.ColoradoCrossKartChaos.com for all the info on the event! We hope to see everyone out there!
  4. Mike

    Colorado Cross Kart Chaos Rally Event and Sled Pull

    Check the Event Calandar for July 29th! 1st National Invite for everyone who has a crosskart or racing buggie along with anyone who has sled pulling UTV or ATV. There will also be the World Of Redneck "Pissed In Cup" Rally race as seen on youtube along with drivers from across the country...
  5. Mike

    Building vs Buying a Crosskart: Which Should You Do?

    Crosskarting is an exhilarating and popular form of motorsport that involves driving lightweight, off-road vehicles on a track or through challenging terrain. Whether you are a seasoned racer or a novice, you may be wondering whether it's better to build your own crosskart from scratch or buy...
  6. Mike

    Event Calendar Is Up!

    Hello every one! Our event Calendar is up and is a great place to post all types of motorsports events coming up. It allows you post not only the dates, but allows you to upload a image or flyer of your event if you have one. It also allows a link to the event if available and can get people to...
  7. Mike

    What Kind of Engines Do Crosskarts Use?

    Crosskarts are high-performance off-road vehicles that are designed for competitive racing, so they are typically powered by motorcycle engines, which are already well-suited for the high-speed, high-torque demands of off-road racing and high-revving applications. They are also relatively...
  8. Mike

    How Much Do Crosskarts Cost? A Comparative Price Guide Between Buying and Fabricating

    Crosskarts are high-performance off-road vehicles that are designed for competitive racing. As with any high-performance vehicle, crosskarts can be expensive to purchase or build. In this article, we'll explore how much crosskarts typically cost, and what factors can impact their cost. Cost...
  9. Mike

    A Brief History of Crosskart Racing: From Origins to Modern Day Competition

    Origins of Crosskart Racing Crosskart racing, also known as kartcross or off-road karting, is a high-performance motorsport that has its roots in the sport of autocross. Autocross is a type of motorsport in which drivers race on a closed course, typically a parking lot or other open space, and...
  10. Mike

    How Fast Can Crosskarts Go? A Guide to Top Speeds and Performance Factors

    Introduction Crosskarts are high-performance off-road vehicles that are designed for competitive racing. One of the key factors that determines a crosskart's performance is its speed. In this article, we'll explore how fast crosskarts can go, and what factors can impact their speed and...
  11. Mike

    Professional vs Hobbyist Crosskart Design - A Look at Safety, Cost, and Requirements

    When searching for crosskarts online, it's typical to encounter a wide range of styles and appearance - from the rugged "bare bones" look, to seek and professional racing vehicles. We at Crosskarts101, regardless of your experience or intended use, advocate for a solid focus on safety and...
  12. Mike

    The Ultimate Guide to Crosskart Bodywork: Fiberglass, Plastic, and Aluminum

    Crosskarts are high-performance, off-road racing vehicles that require strong and durable bodywork to protect the driver and other vital components of the car. The bodywork of crosskarts can be made from different materials, including fiberglass, plastic, and aluminum, each with its own unique...
  13. Mike

    Crosskart-Style Chassis: Estimated Costs and Time to Build

    If you're interested in designing and building a small race car chassis, suspension, and drive train, it's important to understand the costs and time involved. Here's a breakdown of the estimated costs based on a $100 per hour labor rate to keep things simple for the math and if your building...
  14. Mike

    What's everyone's thoughts of these cars?

    Coming from club driver point of view, or even someone who has never heard or seen one of these cars, what are your thoughts? Also, do you think tracks will accept them, or will new tracks have to be developed?Coming from club driver point of view, or even someone who has never heard or seen one...
  15. Mike

    A Short article about seats and safety components

    Crosskarts and crosscars are popular off-road vehicles used for racing on dirt tracks. As with any motorsport, safety is a top priority when it comes to these vehicles. In this article, we'll discuss some of the essential safety components needed for crosskart and crosscar racing, and we'll also...
  16. Mike

    Some basic safety considerations article for beginners

    Crosskarts are a thrilling and exciting way to experience off-road racing. If you're new to building your own crosskart, it's important to consider the safety components that will keep you and your vehicle safe on the track. While it may be tempting to purchase lower-priced products to save...
  17. Mike

    Know of any good shock tuners?

    Share some love, and let us know who you recommend as good and reputable shock tuners in your area!
  18. Mike

    New Calendar In The Works For Events And More!

    Our awesome developer is in the works of setting up our calendar system to see what will be going on in grassroots racing world! Keep checking back to see what's new!
  19. Mike

    Crosskarts now showing up at SCCA Events!

    Crosskarts101 is now seeing more and more talk on the web about racing, and places to race, these wild animals of cars. Please post your news, pictures, and videos of what you see happening in your area. We want to help all events and organizers promote this new young industry of cars, so if you...
  20. Mike

    A Beginner's Guide to Crosskarts - Part 1

    Crosskart racing is a sport that originated in Sweden during the 1980s. It is similar to rally racing, but the vehicles are much smaller. Crosskarts come in several different classes, based on their engine displacement. Some models have 600,750, and now 1000cc+ engines. Most models use...