• CrossKarts101 is a premier information hub and community for all things crosskarts related. We bring together everyone interested in crosskarts or offroading, from enthusiasts, to fabricators, drivers or beginners. Our goal is to make getting into crosskarts accessible to everyone, with easy to access resources on everything from building your own crosskart, to connecting with teams and drivers. Feel free to browse our site to find what's more interesting for you!

Search results

  1. IMG_5347.JPEG


  2. IMG_5411.JPEG


  3. IMG_5428.JPEG


  4. IMG_5467.JPEG


  5. In the works

    In the works

  6. RTX-0 Prototype 1 off to a new home to climb a mountain!

    RTX-0 Prototype 1 off to a new home to climb a mountain!

    Be on the look out in the future Pikes Peak Hill Climb as this is the where this chassis is destine to be headed.
  7. RTX-0 Coming together

    RTX-0 Coming together

  8. RTX-0 Mock up Right Rear

    RTX-0 Mock up Right Rear

  9. Fuel tank fitment

    Fuel tank fitment

  10. Crosskart Fuel Tank Mock up

    Crosskart Fuel Tank Mock up

  11. Locating Radiator Mounts

    Locating Radiator Mounts

  12. RTX-0 Steering mock up

    RTX-0 Steering mock up

  13. Steering Rack Mounts

    Steering Rack Mounts

  14. Checking fitment before machining

    Checking fitment before machining

  15. Beginning the body panel concepts and getting a feel for the outcome

    Beginning the body panel concepts and getting a feel for the outcome

    I wrapped a outer skin using 3M Wrapping film to provide a thin skin that I later used to 3D scan.
  16. IMG_3756.JPEG


  17. IMG_3759.JPEG


  18. IMG_4368.JPEG


  19. Checking rear axle lengths with new hubs.

    Checking rear axle lengths with new hubs.

  20. OUCH!

