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Recent content by Jpotts77

  1. J

    Are there any racing electrical harness makers out there?

    I have tons of electrical knowledge as well as making custom wiring harnesses if I can be of any assistance?
  2. J

    Are Cross Karts the next new motorsports trend for America?

    It’s an experience like no other. Imagine every Motorsport packed into one machine. These have the ability to do all with minor modifications and adjustments. If you have any or no fabrication knowledge or skills their are several guys in the industry that offer some great products to get started
  3. J

    Are Cross Karts the next new motorsports trend for America?

    I’m super stoked for this sport coming over to the States. I’ve been following the sport for quite a while and building them for several yrs. As an Engineer I’m always looking at other ways to do things, design and build. As far as the R&D side of things it’s been quite tough because everything...
  4. J

    Need testers for new suspension system

    I would like the opportunity to test out a new suspension on mine as I’m currently looking at changing mine.